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Please circle the scholarship choice being applied for:
Rank II (Master’s degree
Rank I (beyond Master’s degree)
Classified to the Classroom
National Board Certification (NBCT)
Be a BCEA member
Provide proof of enrollment in a continuing education program. [Appropriate example of proof would be: copy of a transcript, receipt of tuition payment on institution letterhead (easily obtained online), current course schedule]
Scholarships will be awarded by random drawing.
One Scholarship per school year per person only.
Winter 2023:
Six (6) $500 Scholarships for Rank III seeking Rank II, Rank II seeking Rank I or for NBPTS (National Board) Certification
Deadline for Winter 2024 Application is due by 4 PM on Friday, February 9, 2024.
NO email applications accepted
Please submit application and proof of enrollment by pony to: Kelly Read c/o BCEA at Central Office or mail directly to:
Boone County Education Association
75 Cavalier Blvd. Suite 324
Florence, KY 41042-3963